Do You Want To Thrive or Just Survive?
Are you letting your competitors run circles around you online?
Are you not getting the traffic you need to grow your business?
Are you feeling overwhelmed on what you 'should' do to market your business?
Build trust, increase visibility and boost sales with our affordable AI-powered Google review software

Build It And They Will Come!
“Shhhh! Can you hear the crickets?
Imagine this for a moment…
You’ve poured your heart and soul into creating a website that showcases your products or services in the best possible light.
You’ve invested time, money and energy to attract potential customers to your site (Oh, not to mention how much your website cost!).
But despite your efforts, the leads and sales you were hoping for just aren’t materialising!
Sounds all too familiar, doesn’t it? Don’t worry, you’re not alone.
Countless business owners like you are grappling with the same predicament.
The good news is that there’s a way out of this quagmire, an answer to your online traffic woes.
Visibility Is The Currency of Success!
What Is A Google Business Profile ?
Every local business needs a properly optimised Google Business Profile (GBP) with timely and relevant reviews. These are the ingredients that help propel your business from the shadows of anonymity to the spotlight of search engine results.
It’s the art and science of optimising your website so it appears higher in the search results, or better still Page 1 (where 75% of users never even scroll past!).
By leveraging your GBP and reviews, you’re not just increasing your online visibility, you’re attracting quality traffic, boosting your credibility, and laying a foundation for sustainable growth.
With a properly constructed and optimised GBP you’re not chasing customers, you’re ATTRACTING them!
From ‘Invisible’ to INVINCIBLE! The COST EFFECTIVE Advantage YOU NOW HAVE!
Use Google Reviews as Social Proof to Boost Sales!
Leveraging social proof is an essential strategy for growing your small business.
People are more likely to purchase your product or service when others vouch for its quality. In short, potential customers seek “proof” that your product or service is trustworthy and effective.
What if there was a way that you could get reviews that Google loves and actively seeks out, so you can OVERTAKE YOUR COMPETITION!
I have helped hundreds of local businesses, such as Rent A Tent NI, who has seen a significant jump in sales as a result of using customer reviews and a properly optimised Google Business Profile. By doing this their website was naturally brought up to the #1 organic position under the maps listing!

What’s The Biggest Problem with Customer Reviews?
The single biggest issue is getting people to actually leave the review in the first place!
We’re all busy and often lost for what to write in the review.
This is where my reputation management software comes in, and at a monthly price that is affordable for every small business.
Hi, I’m Phil..

Nice to see you here! My name is Phil Carrick, and I live in a small village just outside Downpatrick in Northern Ireland.
After discovering the world of Internet Marketing in 2010, I’ve worked as a small business marketing strategist at the Google Digital Garage in Belfast and consulted with hundreds of clients.
I’ve worked with hundreds of businesses in Northern Ireland, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.
My Approach

Cookie Cutters Are BANNED!
I realise that every business is different. Whilst we do have Standard Operating Procedures, I don’t follow a ‘cookie cutter’ approach. I actually listen to you and provide you with the best strategy based on YOUR needs, and not mine!

Your Success Is MY Success
I want you to have a smile on your face whilst you are working with me. Therefore, you have my GUARANTEE that I will work like a man possessed to help your business grow.

Our Journey Together
It’s A Team Sport!
Partnering with us means embarking on a transformative journey TOGETHER. We have to like each other, we have to laugh together!
That’s what’s life about, it’s not just ‘how much money can I make’. Been there, done that, It’s not a nice place to be!
No cookie-cutters here!
What Others Are Saying…

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